Climbing the corporate ladder is not only about hard work or burning the midnight oil; it is that and even more. Indeed action does speak louder than words. You need to have the entire package a burning passion, ambition to succeed, a vision to sustain, a willingness to go the extra mile and most importantly it is your body language as well as demeanour, which can actually set you apart from the rest.
Fake it till you make it?
It is one thing to experience jitters and literally have butterflies in your stomach; but quite another to put it on display. Regardless of how efficient you are, it is how you communicate non-verbally through your attitude, appearance and conduct that will make all the difference. So always remember to:
- Dress crisply it is better (read: easier) to be simple rather than go searching for that perfect look.
- Always reach the venue before time (as opposed to being on time) to give yourself some moments to collect and calm your nerves, rather than huffing and puffing your way to the interview.
- Listen and then speak
Its not the end of the world!
An important thing one must learn is to weather criticism and specifically rejection. Truly a difficult task, but think of it as a training exercise sweet ARE the uses of adversity. Never let rejection get the better of you, or assume it to be an endorsement of your capabilities. It is yet another chance for you to refine yourself!
Dont be a hero
Be it a job interview, a client presentation or a high profile meeting; simply avoid being a wiseacre. This cannot be emphasized enough! Exuding confidence is one thing, displaying a know-it-all attitude is different ballgame altogether and it may push all the wrong buttons. Never volunteer advise on a subject you have partial knowledge of. Having self-confidence is all about knowing when NOT to speak!
According to an article published by the School of Etiquettes and Business Protocol: To have the self confidence to know you are in control and doing the right thinks gives you the opportunity to showcase your true authenticity and knowledge. Competitors may have the same technical knowledge; you can have that additional competitive edge, the X factor.
Remain grounded at all cost
Interviewing major movers and shakers belonging to the Middle Eastern corporate world, one thing noticeable in each and every dynamo from Chalhoub Groups CEO Patrick Chalhoub, Managing Director Audi ME, Trevor Hill or fashion retail company RedTags Ernest Hosking is their awe-inspiringly down-to-earth attitude to business and professional relationships. During an interview Ernest Hosking had once had put much emphasis on the importance of being grounded a key to consistent success. Undeniably, many a times arrogance tends to make one lose focus, especially when intoxicated with success.