Terms & Conditions
Do not miss the chance to WIN PRIZES
To submit article or design, email: media@anankemag.com with competition (design or essay) in the subject line. Deadline for submissions has been extended to November 10th, 2015 – to enable more student participation.
College students aged 16 to 25 are eligibleto compete and will need to furnish their full names, school names, emailaddress as well as their date of birth.
Students can choose from a list of seven topics for the essay-writing competition, namely: (1) UAE: Progress through diversity; (2) Womens economic emancipation via technology in MENA; (3)Importance of engaging women for the sustainable development of nations; (4)Empowering the Pakistani Woman through tech; (5) Alleviating health issues of refugee women (6) Women in Space (7) Human Habitation in Space.
Essay-writing competition entries should be written in English, typewritten (computerized), double-spaced using Times NewRoman, Courier or Arial at 12 points, and should have a word count of 600-800words. Criteria for judging will include relevance to the topic, unity and coherence, grammar, and style. All entries must contain the title, topic,authors name, and school. Only one entry will be allowed for each participant.
While Ananke welcomes all students, male and female, for its essay-writing competition, the cover design contest will be a female student only event. Topics include: (1) Diversity; (2) Women Economic Empowerment; (3) Women & Tech; (4) Educate to Empower, (5) Empowering Women of the East (6) Women in Space.
Cover design contest entries can be done using any visual arts (painting, drawing, mixed media) medium on any type of paper, and may be coloured or in black and white. Finished sizes of entries should not be smaller than 8.27×11.69inches (A4) but should not exceed 11×14 inches. Relevance, originality, creativity and effectiveness are the key criteria for judging. All cover design entries must be attached onto an illustration board backing bearing the title of the entry, topic, artists name, and school. Only one entry will be accepted from each participant.
Participants retain ownership of materials submitted to the Competition. However, by submitting any essay to the Competition, students hereby grant to ANANKE and its affiliates, subsidiaries, licensees and assigns, an irrevocable, perpetual and royalty-free right to use, reproduce, edit, display, transmit, prepare derivative works of, modify, publish and otherwise make use of the submitted essay in any and all media, whether now known or hereinafter created,throughout the world and for any purpose. Where practicable, the essay will be attributed to the author(s) and the college or university the student(s)attend.
In addition, by submitting any essay or other content to the Competition,participants hereby represent and warrant that the submitted materials do notand shall not infringe on any copyright or other right of any third party, andthat participant has the right to grant any and all rights and licenses grantedto ANANKE herein, including but not limited to all necessary rights undercopyright, free and clear of any claims or encumbrances.
Acceptance of all entries as well as winners of prize constitutes the participants’ and winners permission for ANANKE to use prize winnersname and project/entry submitted for advertising and/or promotional purposes worldwide and inall forms of media in perpetuity without further compensation or authorisation. Participants agree that ANANKE and its affiliates, and their officers, employees, agents and representatives (collectively, the Sponsoring Entities), shall not be responsible for any losses, damages or injuries of any kind resulting from participation in the Competition or from Participants acceptance, receipt,possession and/or use or misuse of any prize. In short, by entering, the entrants, including the winner, agree toallow the free use of their names, photographs and general locations forpublicity and news purposes.
Participantsalso agree that the Sponsoring Entities have not made and shall not in anymanner be liable for any warranty, guarantee, or representation, whether express or implied, with respect to any prize, including without limitation,the prizes quality or fitness for a particular purpose. ANANKE reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who is found to betampering with the entry process or the operation of the Competition, to beacting in violation of these Official Rules, or who otherwise takes actionsthat do or are intended to disrupt or undermine the legitimate operation
ANANKE also reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any entrycontaining any obscene, offensive or otherwise inappropriate comments or other matter. Further, ANANKE assumes no liability, and shall not be liable, fortypographical or other errors in the offer or administration of the Competition including, without limitation, errors in the printing or display of the offer and official rules, selection, notification and announcement of winners.
Name of Winner
Forthe name of winners, refer to www.anankemag.com, winners will also be informed via email.
Judges decision will be final.
Awards/gifts/tokens of appreciation will neither be returned nor exchanged. Internship – remote and/or onsite – are unpaid. Interns will only be reimbursed for commute with prior approval of the management.
Competition is not in conjunction with any other event.