NEW YORK CITY Its one thing for a successful Technology Entrepreneur in her early thirties, from South Africa, to challenge the male-dominated bastions of Silicon This & That, in the United States, Canada, UK, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Asia, Middle East and other locales around the globe and, beat the boys at their own game but, its quite another thing for that same person to put her technology path to success, firmly behind her pursuit of a more personal goal: Empowering Women and Entrepreneurs, worldwide.
And, thats exactly what Alysia Silberg did, in March of this year, when she created a live, free-access Fireside Chat program online, featuring Exceptional Women, Super-Achievers, Entrepreneurs, Investors, Thought Leaders and Other Remarkable Guests, who come to share their incredible journeys to their own successes.
Each of our guests including women AND men, from all regions of the world are very anxious to share their stories, their experiences and their insights, Silberg stated.
The thread may often focus on empowering women and entrepreneurs, but its really a step toward empowering people at large, by giving them the keys to their own success, regardless of whatever path they may take, and through that success, to opening new doors, achieving individual independence and determining ones own future and destiny.
The weekly, one-hour, audio programs air on Wednesdays, live, out of New York City, at 10:00am ET (New York), 3:00 pm GMT (London), 4:00 pm CAT/SAST (Jhb) and 6:00 pm DST (Dubai).
Overall, the theme of the Fireside Chats is Empowering People with a strong focus on Entrepreneurs and Women. But, each weeks program might approach that premise either directly or indirectly, typically featuring a particular related theme. But, any theme may be stretched, turned upside down or completely changed mid-stream, as the weeks on-air guests follow their own passion in the course of the conversation, Silberg said.
Our guests ARE generally very passionate about the information theyre discussing, she explained, and theyre even more passionate about sharing their insights and inspirations with other people, to empower us all!
Past guests include Thomas M Sterner, author of The Practicing Mind; Nancy Melone, a Co-Founder of Craigslist; and Tony Robinson, OBE, Change-Maker and Champion for Micro Business in the UK
As a technology entrepreneur, Silberg has been involved in developing a number of high-tech Enterprise platforms, including one which currently has 4.5 million users worldwide.
Often relying on her broad talents as a trained, experienced statistician and mathematician, complemented by the spark of imagination, Silberg enjoys applying her skills and vision to addressing real-world problems. Empowering women by making Entrepreneurship more accessible, through knowledge and insight, is a natural extension of that thrust.
Im very motivated by the idea of sharing the tools of knowledge and insight with people at large, on a global scale, Silberg said, especially women in societies and cultures where their roles and horizons are shaped and, too often, limited by long-standing tradition and customs.
Her passion for that mission led Silberg to be named one of the three most inspirational Women in Technology in the UK * as well as a UN Global Champion for Womens Empowerment.
With a naturally resourceful personality, Silberg has committed herself to taking a greater leadership role in advancing opportunities for women, in high-tech arenas as well as in all other areas of business, industry and commerce globally, nationally and locally.
Alysia Talks, TED Listens
In 2015, Silberg delivered a very successful and often said to be life-changing TED Talk TEDxWomen2015 ( which has been viewed by more than 85,000 people around the world, to date. Her Talk focused on her own entrepreneurial journey, providing insight and inspiration, as it promoted Entrepreneurship and Gender Equality.
She is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, was named a finalist in Women in Technology in the UK, in 2016′, by EveryWomanUK ( and has been shortlisted in the HSBC Forward Ladies Businesswoman of the Year awards for 2016.
She was also named an IGD Jennifer Potter Emerging Leader Fellow for 2016′ ( That involved participating in the Frontier 100 Forum, which featured 100 of the top Policy Makers and most influential Business Leaders in Africa.
In the few short months since it was launched, the Fireside Chat program is often reaching people weekly, in more than 25 countries, in as many as 20 separate time zones!
Registering in advance to sit in on the program is necessary.
For information on the upcoming session on #InspiringWomen Super Achievers, featuring:
- Amy Morin (@AmyMorinLCSW) – a Clinical Social Worker and Psychotherapist, Lecturer, Bestselling Author and Sought After Speaker
- Winnie Sun (@SunGroupWP) – a leading Financial Advisor and Wealth Manager, Television Personality, and Entrepreneur.
- Mariah Lichtenstern (@DiverseCityV) – a Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist, and Motion Picture Industry Expert.
- Felicia Romero (@FeliciaRomero) – a Professional Athlete, Motivational Speaker, Entrepreneur and TV Personality.
visit and click on the Register Now buttons to sign-up.
Once you go to that web address, click on the “Reserve Your Space Now” Button (you may need to scroll down to see it). The time shown will be local to New York City. For the times in other regions in the world, click on the “Convert to Other Time Zone” link below the date and time and select the appropriate GMT + for your own local Time Zone.
Fill in your details on the right side of the page, and click on the blue “Register Now” button. You will receive an email with a link to access the on-air Talk Show upon registration and various reminders leading up to 15 minutes before the program begins. Once you click on the link in that email, you will be taken to the Studio web page.
The 1-hour program will begin at the scheduled time.
During the live program, you can tweet any questions you may have for Alysia Silberg or the guests in the Online Studio, to #FiresideChat, #InspiringWomen, tweet Silberg using @StepUpTF or use the participant panel.
To find out about and register for upcoming sessions (some listed below), go to
The next sessions include:
- “Reimagining India: A Conversation with Emerging Business Leaders” Wednesday 17th August 10 am – 11 am ET Register
- “What Are Business Leaders Reading?” Wednesday 24th August 10 am – 11 am ET
- “Staying Motivated & Leading Your Business To Success” Wednesday 31st August 10 am – 11 am ET
- “Women In Tech Who Are Changing The Game!” Wednesday 7th September 10 am- 11 am ET
Anyone interested in participating as a guest on a future edition of the Fireside Chat series should send an email to, with information on the particular area of expertise, knowledge or skill to be shared; the level of success achieved; and any other information the programs Producers can use to evaluate the on-air contribution to the underlying mission. Please include a CV, resume or bio.