Home News ANANKE collaborates with WDL & WEP to launch Premier Digital Internship Program For Girls

ANANKE collaborates with WDL & WEP to launch Premier Digital Internship Program For Girls

ANANKE collaborates with WDL & WEP to launch Premier Digital Internship Program For Girls

Dubai, UAE/Lahore, Pakistan/ NY, USA (Oct 3rd, 2016): Ananke Magazine, a non-profit digital platform empowering women, in partnership with the Women’s Digital League Pakistan (WDL), and Women Engineers of Pakistan (WEP) have launched a one-of-a-kind, home-based online internship program for women and girls.

With a vision to economically empower women through digital media, technology and journalism, the program aims to reinforce Ananke’s commitment to educating, raising awareness, mentoring as well as improving the skills of a cross-section of women and girls from across the globe.

Celebrating visionary women across the MENA region and beyond, the digital magazine, Ananke, strives to make a difference by not only documenting achievements of women trailblazers, highlighting the plight of the female gender; but also by collaborating with leading entities that are working towards empowering women and girls through training, mentoring and guidance.

“We are incredibly happy to receive such a tremendous response from female students from all across the globe including Pakistan, Nigeria, Kenya, Morocco, Australia, etc. Ananke’s internship program is a huge success because our interns learn not only from field experts, but get to work in real-world scenarios in a professional, hi-tech virtual environment,” says Executive Editor Ananke, Sabin Muzaffar.

Further, she says, “I am pleased to kick-start the third round of the program, and it gives me immense pleasure to collaborate with not one but two of Pakistan’s leading organizations, the Women’s Digital League, which is renowned entity having a shared goal for women’s economic empowerment and Women Engineers of Pakistan (WEP). We plan to take it to the next level, and have great things in store for our potential interns to help them develop great professional perspectives and skills.”

With a vision to economically empower women through digital media, technology and journalism, the program aims to reinforce Ananke’s commitment to educating, raising awareness, mentoring as well as improving the skills of a cross-section of women and girls from across the globe.

A social enterprise that conducts trainings and introduces Pakistani women to computer-based work to overcome high rates of unemployment, particularly among women in Pakistan, WDL has joined forces with Ananke to offer a unique program that aims at building capacity and career development for women in media, communication and ICTs. Founder of WDL, Maria Umer, says, “I am so happy and excited to be a part of this initiative. I look forward to meeting my interns.”

Spearheading a strict mission to encourage female participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) fields that enables a better integration within business and education sectors in and outside Pakistan; WEP has joined forces with Ananke to offer a unique and inspirational platform for women and girls to learn the tricks of the trade pertaining to digital media, online journalism as well as social media marketing.

Founder, CEO WEP, Ramla Qureshi said: “Women Engineers Pakistan is always looking for new avenues to create positive impact, and partnerships with Ananke have always proved lucrative towards reaching women across the globe. Our pilot internship program was a success, and we are very excited for Round 2!”

Under the umbrella of Ananke Labs, the internship program is a joint venture offering broad theoretical and practical knowledge designed specifically for selected students, aspiring journalists and media specialists.

A global program, the internship is tailored for women and girls who can dedicate a minimum of two hours daily to online work, are available to attend Skype discussions and/or weekly webinars, are able to communicate in fluent English, and are willing to complete strategic assessments that encourage them to perform creatively.

The main goal of the program is to boost and showcase women’s talents, and to train and mentor them to obtain professional opportunities in their fields of study or interest.

Apply by Friday, Oct 7th, 2016 for a seat at the Ananke’s Digital Office!


About Ananke:

Ananke eZine is an online publication celebrating visionary women across the MENA region and beyond. The digital platform is known for producing some of the most profound, in-depth stories, articles and commentaries relating to issues of female empowerment, women economic emancipation and gender mainstreaming.

Ananke was also selected among the Top 12 finalists in the highly coveted Hadafi competition for women entrepreneurs in the MENA region in 2015. Ananke’s efforts for women empowerment have also been featured and lauded in The Moroccan Times.

About Women’s Digital League (WDL):

WDL is a virtual firm providing digital services to clients, proudly owned and powered by Pakistani women. It is working for economic development of the country by mobilizing a vast dormant workforce, which is either discouraged from working outside or has trouble finding work opportunities.

WDL aims to empower Pakistani women through capacity building, skill development and training in digital work. By tapping into this high potential, under-utilized workforce, WDL envisions an economic and social revolution at the grassroots level. The company believes that educating and investing in a woman is the best and fastest way to bring about effective and sustainable development.

About Women Engineers Pakistan (WEP)

The Women Engineers Pakistan (www.womenengineers.pk), or WEP, is an organization working to promote Science and Technology, along with its many applications within the female population of Pakistan. According to The World Economic Forum Gender Gap Survey, out of 142 countries, Pakistan is ranked the second last. The WEP works to alleviate this glaring gap, operating with a three-tiered approach involving girls from high-schools, STEM institutions and the women already in the professional field.

The Women Engineers Pakistan has received a lot of appreciation through its time, both in Pakistani and Global media. With features in Core77, WonderfulEngineering.com, Mizlink Pakistan, Ananke eZine, and UB Spectrum, WEP has also been given primetime at Society of Women Engineers World Conference, WE’15 at Nashville, TN for “Enabling Women Engineers in Pakistan.”


Ananke enquiries: media@anankemag.com