Home Articles Tunisian STEMinsts: In a League of Their Own

Tunisian STEMinsts: In a League of Their Own

Tunisian STEMinsts: In a League of Their Own

Today, almost 99 percent of women in Tunisia are educated, epitomizing the modern Arab woman. Playing a pivotal role in the torrential Arab Spring that swept across the MENA region – with divergent tides elsewhere – here women not only participated actively in the revolution but have scaled new heights pursuing careers especially those in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).

One organization striving to empower women in STEM fields is Women Leaders in Technology “WoLTech.” A Tunisian Association, it was founded in 2016 by 12 STEMinists in order to assist local women working in STEM fields to achieve their dreams and goals.

The founding board comprises Tunisian women trailblazers, fellows of the prestigious American exchange program for emerging leaders, TechWomen, administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE) and US Department of State. The program offers mentoring and coaching sessions by professionals in areas pertaining to leadership and entrepreneurship. As TechWomen fellows, WoLTech members have had the opportunity to visit world renowned tech giants based in Silicon Valley, California USA; and actually meet, exchange ideas and learn from experts,

“Upon finishing the program, all of us wanted to reflect on the American experience by implementing the same mentorship model in Tunisia, but with a new twist and with more inclusion for women in technology,” says Ameni Channoufi, President WolTech Women Leaders.

Since 2015,WoLTech members have organized different events aiming to introduce diverse mentoring philosophies in Tunisia, a concept that enables beginners to successfully take their initial steps in leadership.

Additionally, the organization orchestrated several events to launch exchange-program opportunities for Tunisian women, triggering their interest and curiosity in technology through company visits within the country.

More recently, WoLTech has announced the launch of Tunisia Mentoring Council (TMC); the first mentoring program targeting women in STEM (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics) across the country.

“TMC is designed for women who have a business idea, wish to start a project or outsource and branch out an existing project in STEM fields. The program will pair a mentor and a mentee, in a win-win relation, who will have six months to work on a project,” explains Ameni.

Concluding, she says: “TMC will be an exchange platform and an opportunity for Tunisian women in STEM to brainstorm, inspire, challenge and achieve. Experts and leaders will accompany mentors and mentees through workshops, trainings, meet-up sessions and cultural gatherings.”


Mentee eligibility in Tunisia Mentoring Council:

  • Tunisian, at least 20 years old
  • Have an idea or a project in STEM fields

Eligibility for mentoring opportunities (men and women) in Tunisia Mentoring Council:

  • Tunisian
  • Have a confirmed work experience and want to participate in shaping the next pipeline of leaders in STEM
  • Be fully engaged and willing to extend a helping hand to their mentee

TMC Program important dates:

Date Action
February 23, 2017 – March 24, 2017 Mentee application
April 05, 2017 – April 29, 2017 Mentor application
May 06, 2017 TMC Opening ceremony
May 07, 2017 – November 04, 2017 Mentoring sessions, workshops, trainings, cultural activities…
November 05, 2017 TMC Closing ceremony


More information on the entry requirements will be available on WoLTech Facebook page

Mentors, mentees, partners if you are interested to join TMC, register here

Make sure to follow WoLTech FB page and contact our communication team for more information at womenleaders.intech@gmail.com.

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