Home International US Institute of Peace Launches Women Building Peace Award

US Institute of Peace Launches Women Building Peace Award

US Institute of Peace Launches Women Building Peace Award

November 21st, 2019, Washington (USA): In recognition of the pivotal role women play in building peace in fragile or conflict-affected countries or regions, the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) has launched the Women Building Peace Award. The award honors a woman peacebuilder whose substantial and practical contribution to peace is an inspiration and guiding light for future women peacebuilders.

“This award is an opportunity to amplify the important and urgent voices of women who are building peace around the world,” said USIP President and CEO Nancy Lindborg. “As global conflict becomes increasingly more complex, it’s more important than ever to see and support the invaluable contributions of women peacebuilders.”

Nominations for the inaugural award run from November 20, 2019 until January 15, 2020, at 2:00pm EST. The awardee will receive $10,000, to be used at the recipient’s discretion, and be recognized at a ceremony in October 2020 at USIP in Washington, D.C.

For more information and to nominate a woman peacebuilder, visit the website, Women Building Peace. USIP strongly encourages nominations of women from fragile or conflict-affected countries or regions who have not been previously recognized for their work in peacebuilding. Nominees and their work will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • Commitment to Peace: A woman whose work exemplifies a commitment to peace by preventing or resolving conflict nonviolently in a fragile or conflict-affected country or region.
  • Exceptional Leadership: A woman who exemplifies exceptional leadership through her vision and innovation and has earned the respect of her community in the pursuit of peace.
  • Outstanding Practitioner: A woman who is a peacebuilding practitioner and works with members of local, national, or international communities in an inclusive and participatory manner.
  • Substantial Impact: A woman whose peacebuilding work has led to tangible or demonstrable results.

The winner will be chosen by the newly inaugurated Women Building Peace Council, a group of distinguished experts and leaders who will offer their guidance and support to USIP on matters of gender and peacebuilding.


PRNewswire/Knowledge Bylanes

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash