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Beyond #MeToo

Beyond #MeToo

SAGE India is proud to announce the publication of Beyond #MeToo: Ushering Women’s Era or Just Noise? by Tanushree Ghosh, Senior Engineering and Program Manager at Intel Corporation and Founder and Director of Her Rights Inc.

Published under the SAGE-Select imprint, this book unboxes the #MeToo movement beyond the headlines and hashtags and repositions to its equally deserving urgency as a social issue. With anecdotal and lucid writing style, the book dives into a comprehensive history of feminism, parallel movements, laws (in India and the global space), and looks at the gender clashes in different cultures. It is laced with path-breaking, real-life interviews of women from the academic and media publishing space.

Announcing its release, the author says: “India can’t not afford to talk gender anymore. Not talk as in anger, grief, disbelief after another horrific assault or apathetic acknowledgement of daily disparities – but talk as in seek to understand the past, present, and future. This book will force that conversation.”

In his foreword to the book, Dr Pritam Pal Vishakh (Chairperson; Former Women’s Development Programme Project Director for Bhanwari Devi, UNICEF), writes: “At the backdrop of  Bhanwari [Devis]’s fight,  I  also wished to pen down the fight for women’s rights in  India which  Tanushree has now accomplished to do.  I  am happy that this book and the author are committed to keeping #MeToo alive for posterity. The change needed is in the mindset because the assault on a woman is never just the assault alone.”

Price: INR 550 / Format: Paperback / Pgs: 312 / Available at an exclusive release price here


“#MeToo, since its inception, has been a sensation. But did the movement die an inconsequential death?

Contrary to popular belief, India has strong legal protections in place for women. However, gender is consistently secondary to class, caste and survival. Therefore, India can’t afford—neither socially nor economically—a non-existent future of #MeToo.

Beyond #MeToo: Ushering Women’s Era or Just Noise? brings together accounts and analyses from around the world, exploring the movement against the broader backdrop of feminism and gender. With its in-depth research, case studies, survivor accounts and expert opinions, this book sheds light on the implication of the movement in the post #MeToo era. Does it truly usher in ‘women’s era’ or do they merely create noise? What are these backlashes against #MeToo and should we be prepared for it? The book proves that gender post #MeToo is a matter of life and death.


Tanushree Ghosh (Ph. D. Cornell, NY),  is an engineering and program manager (Intel Corp.), a social activist, and author. Her literary resume includes poems and stories featured in national and international magazines as well as inclusion in nine anthologies such as The Best Asian Short Stories 2017 (Kitaab, Singapore). Her first single author book is From An-Other Land (Readomania publishing).


“Tanushree Ghosh has given us a remarkable book. At one level, it is a reasoned analysis of how the MeToo moment that grew into a movement has worked out (or not) in India… At another level, Beyond #MeToo pinpoints the similarities and differences between Indian and worldwide #MeToo movements. The book brings to life a social movement for justice through its gripping stories of courageous women.”

? Roald Hoffmann, Noble Laureate; Poet; and Chemist

“Although a lot has been written on the topic since the 2018 revelations by Tanushree Dutta, Vinta Nanda and several others, non-fiction books on the topic are hard to find. More importantly, this book goes beyond MeToo and deep into gender today in India. Through an apt mix of interviews, articles and references to Indian culture, delineating the nuances of a woman’s status in the Indian society and the patriarchal system, the book delivers excellent scholarship in a narrative tone which is easy to grasp and hard to put down. Each chapter takes up an important, relevant piece of the puzzle while the chapters, conceptualized in an orderly manner, deliver a seamless denouement.”

? Dr Reicha Tanwar, Director, Centre for Women’s Studies and Development, Kurukshetra University, and Gender Rights Activist


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Images: Tanushree Ghosh