Consistently worsening conditions in regions of conflict, siege and oppression, Palestine and Sudan, have opened flood gates of malnutrition, disease and death targeting entire generations of children. Over 450 million children nearly one in five live in or have fled a conflict zone. With areas universally considered safe zones such as hospitals, schools,...
In the spotlight: Djamila Morani
Empowering New Parents Through Technology
Palestinian women-led organisations must be at forefront in Gaza, West Bank humanitarian response
My Palestine: An Impossible Exile Memorializes Political, Historical Developments For Peace Sake
Digital Rights Foundation Pakistan sounds the alarm as unregulated CCTV encroach womens safe spaces
The World Continues to Fail Children of Gaza, Sudan
Transforming Moments of Darkness into Sparks of Defiant Joy
An Exploration of Identity, Love and Family Traditions
A Thousand Tiny Cuts: Experiences of Borderland Realities
The Gargantuan AI Myth
If I were to talk about it for the next 100 years, I cannot describe the fear we live in
The Djinns Apple: Of Intrigues & Mysteries In Islamic Civilizations Golden Age
AnankeWLF Endnote: The Power to Shape the World, Every Story is Valued
AnankeWLF2024 Partners Mobilize Impact By Enabling a Collective Space
Celebrated Publisher Arpita Das to Open Ananke Women in Literature Festival 2024
AnankeWLF2024 unveils Panel on Poetry And Process
Award winning author Anam Zakaria To Share Insight on the Historicity of Erasure at AnankeWLF2024
Ananke to Host Distinguished Author Manjiri Indurkar at AnankeWLF
Publisher Naveen Kishore Joins AnankeWLF2024 to Delve into Loss and the Transformation of Mourning into Remembrance
Category: Articles
An Exploration of Identity, Love and Family Traditions
The Big Day by Aliya Ali-Afzal Publisher: Head of Zeus Publishing Date: 6 June 2024 Synopsis Noor has no interest in getting married (much to the aunties’ distress). Growing up she saw first-hand how divorce tears families apart… But then, she falls in love. Soon, Noor is engaged and planning an intimate wedding that...
A Thousand Tiny Cuts: Experiences of Borderland Realities
Yoda Press has published and launched the South Asia edition of Sahana Ghoshs groundbreaking book A Thousand Tiny Cuts: Mobility and Security across the Bangladesh-India Borderlands in Kolkata and Delhi, India recently. Focusing on mobility, security and migration, the book talks about the existence and militarization of the friendly border between India and Bangladesh, revolving around...
The Gargantuan AI Myth
This article is based on a panel discussion at the Writing Symposium: Putting the I in AI, organized by the Center for Writing, NYU Abu Dhabi UAE. Sabin was one of the speakers. It is indeed a hard pill for thousands perhaps millions to take that AI or broadly speaking new technologies...
The Djinns Apple: Of Intrigues & Mysteries In Islamic Civilizations Golden Age
Book Review: The Djinn’s Apple by Djamila Morani translated by Sawad Hussain Publisher: Neem Tree Press The Djinn’s Apple is an English PEN Translates Award-winning YA novel that blends historical and crime fiction. It is written by Algerian author Djamila Morani and translated from Arabic by multi-award-winning translator Sawad Hussain. Synopsis When Nardeens home is...
AnankeWLF Endnote: The Power to Shape the World, Every Story is Valued
As we draw the curtains on Ananke’s Women in Literature Festival, I find myself enveloped in a profound sense of gratitude and inspiration. These past few days have been a testament to the transformative power of literature and storytelling in uplifting and empowering writers from the global south. In our fourth edition this year, we...
Publisher Naveen Kishore Joins AnankeWLF2024 to Delve into Loss and the Transformation of Mourning into Remembrance
Eminent name in the literary landscape, poet, theatre practitioner, photographer and Seagull Books publisher, Naveen Kishore will be joining Anankes distinguished roster of guest speakers at the fourth edition of Women in Literature Festival 2024. Seagull Books publishes world literature in English translation, serious non-fiction, culture studies, performance studies, art and cinema. Naveen is the...
IWD Editorial: Appraising Inequality
How much is too much? What does proportion or a proportionate response entail; especially in the name of justice? There was once a time which now seems just an illusion that dialogue was always a better option than an eye for an eye solution. And this is not just about sieges and man-made...
Ode to Mother Muse
Mother Muse Quintet, by Naveen Kishore is published by Speaking Tiger and is available here. For more buying options, check out Amazon and Seagull Books. Approaching works of Naveen Kishore for me is an endeavor of immense reflection as are his conversations always! It is a process first read first layer ...
Celebrating Women in Pakistani Legal Landscape
In a significant stride towards fostering inclusivity and empowerment, the Women in Law Initiative Pakistan unveiled the Women in Law Calendar of Firsts in December 2023. This groundbreaking initiative celebrates the remarkable achievements and contributions of women in the legal landscape of Pakistan. Since its inception in 2016, the Women in Law Initiative Pakistan has...