How much is too much? What does proportion or a proportionate response entail; especially in the name of justice? There was once a time which now seems just an illusion that dialogue was always a better option than an eye for an eye solution. And this is not just about sieges and man-made...
In the spotlight: Djamila Morani
Empowering New Parents Through Technology
Palestinian women-led organisations must be at forefront in Gaza, West Bank humanitarian response
My Palestine: An Impossible Exile Memorializes Political, Historical Developments For Peace Sake
Digital Rights Foundation Pakistan sounds the alarm as unregulated CCTV encroach womens safe spaces
The World Continues to Fail Children of Gaza, Sudan
Transforming Moments of Darkness into Sparks of Defiant Joy
An Exploration of Identity, Love and Family Traditions
A Thousand Tiny Cuts: Experiences of Borderland Realities
The Gargantuan AI Myth
If I were to talk about it for the next 100 years, I cannot describe the fear we live in
The Djinns Apple: Of Intrigues & Mysteries In Islamic Civilizations Golden Age
AnankeWLF Endnote: The Power to Shape the World, Every Story is Valued
AnankeWLF2024 Partners Mobilize Impact By Enabling a Collective Space
Celebrated Publisher Arpita Das to Open Ananke Women in Literature Festival 2024
AnankeWLF2024 unveils Panel on Poetry And Process
Award winning author Anam Zakaria To Share Insight on the Historicity of Erasure at AnankeWLF2024
Ananke to Host Distinguished Author Manjiri Indurkar at AnankeWLF
Publisher Naveen Kishore Joins AnankeWLF2024 to Delve into Loss and the Transformation of Mourning into Remembrance
Category: Ed’s Note
Opinion: Wretched Humanity
Ashen faces of children not opening their once sparkle-filled eyes, ashen faces of mothers who have lost their babies, fathers desperately digging to find life underneath the rubble. Only to find muffled screams, lifeless bodies passing on, leaving hell in the hopes to find heaven? A land they might hopefully finally call home, where...
Opinion: Decolonizing Empathy
They fear love because it creates a world they can’t control. George Orwell, 1984 Power has always been an enforcer of fear, hate, division, polarization in order to control. The narrative has always been about us versus them. With the influx of information, spiced with dis-info, mis-info, propaganda and linguistic manipulation across mass media, the cacophonic...
Opinion: On the Systematic Poisoning of Public Channels of Information
Shock waves reverberated all around the globe on October 7th, 2023 when an occupied, colonized and oppressed people living in the largest open air ghetto rose in rebellion. There is no going around it. Indeed, there can never ever be justification for taking lives! That said, it is also true that oppression begets...
On Media, Citizen Engagement & Alternate Digital Social Spaces
The digital realm has played a pivotal role in how we create, interact with and amplify the written word. From Gutenberg to computers and the Internet, each has been instrumental in not just building pathways to knowledge, enabling the reader to think and be informed, much to the dismay of the powers that be. It...
Step Out of Line, Ladies!
In 1873, a 273-meter long suffrage petition was presented to the New Zealand Parliament that not just led to the sanctioning of voting power of women, becoming an inspiration for suffragists globally it eventually led to the appointment of Jacinda Ardern (not the first female PM), one of the countrys most successful and the...
Data The Genetic Code of Empowerment
It is almost curtain time for the year 2019. Another decade is coming to a close showcasing numerous breakthroughs that have improved lives of many. The driving force behind this progressive change has undoubtedly been the deluge of information reaching every nook and corner of the world at the speed of light. While many would...
Ed’s Note
Mans progress can be easily delineated through significant moments in time. The printing press, industrial revolution and the Internet are among the most pivotal watershed moments in history that have literally shaped the worlds political economy. While globalization and technology are 21st century buzzwords, one element comprising 50 percent of the world population has emerged...