Lahore (Pakistan), February 1st, 2016: This week UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, organized a skills development workshop on Women and Food Tech Sharing Economy: Employability and Empowerment to enable women to focus on self-efficiency and resourcefulness through innovation. The training took place at Hospitality Inn in January...
In the spotlight: Djamila Morani
Empowering New Parents Through Technology
Palestinian women-led organisations must be at forefront in Gaza, West Bank humanitarian response
My Palestine: An Impossible Exile Memorializes Political, Historical Developments For Peace Sake
Digital Rights Foundation Pakistan sounds the alarm as unregulated CCTV encroach womens safe spaces
The World Continues to Fail Children of Gaza, Sudan
Transforming Moments of Darkness into Sparks of Defiant Joy
An Exploration of Identity, Love and Family Traditions
A Thousand Tiny Cuts: Experiences of Borderland Realities
The Gargantuan AI Myth
If I were to talk about it for the next 100 years, I cannot describe the fear we live in
The Djinns Apple: Of Intrigues & Mysteries In Islamic Civilizations Golden Age
AnankeWLF Endnote: The Power to Shape the World, Every Story is Valued
AnankeWLF2024 Partners Mobilize Impact By Enabling a Collective Space
Celebrated Publisher Arpita Das to Open Ananke Women in Literature Festival 2024
AnankeWLF2024 unveils Panel on Poetry And Process
Award winning author Anam Zakaria To Share Insight on the Historicity of Erasure at AnankeWLF2024
Ananke to Host Distinguished Author Manjiri Indurkar at AnankeWLF
Publisher Naveen Kishore Joins AnankeWLF2024 to Delve into Loss and the Transformation of Mourning into Remembrance
Tag: current
Revisiting the second shift
Those already familiar with the concept of the second shift would know that the word revisiting in the title of this essay is actually a misnomer. And to those less familiar or uninitiated, let me introduce you, officially, to Second Shift. But in order to appreciate what the second shift entails, we must know what...
MKF to Technify more women in 2016
Dubai: With an aim to unlock the untapped potential of women in the region, and to provide an innovative and exciting platform for women to realize their start-up dreams or their coding potential, the Meera Kaul Foundation has announced the 2nd edition of its Women in Stem Hackathon. To be held on February 19th and...
Women in Space
The universe knows no boundaries, and neither do women. The universe fosters life, growth, sustenance and beauty without ever collapsing under the weight of its fair share of storms, explosions and rocky meteor showers just like a woman who bears heavy burdens upon herself without ever ceasing to be a soul of warmth, love...