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Big Heart Foundation Social Campaign Challenges Popular Perception of Refugees  

Big Heart Foundation Social Campaign Challenges Popular Perception of Refugees  

April 23rd, 2019, Sharjah (UAE): The Big Heart Foundation (TBHF), a Sharjah-based global humanitarian organisation dedicated to helping refugees and people in need worldwide, has launched a social media campaign with the hashtag #NotANumber. The community awareness campaign aims to drive a change in people’s perception about refugees – stop seeing them as a community...

Rohingya: Crisis Beyond Borders

Rohingya: Crisis Beyond Borders

Since the eruption of violent conflict in Rakhine State, Myanmar, many thousands of refugees have since crossed the border into Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh. Discrimination and marginalisation is nothing new for the Rohingya and they have been fleeing persecution and crossing the border into Bangladesh for decades in search of safety, however the current crisis taking...